API Documentation

class PropertySheet

A PropertySheet is an abstraction for organizing and working with a set of related properties. Conceptually it acts like a container for a set of related properties and meta-data describing those properties. A PropertySheet may or may not provide a web interface for managing its properties.

__module__ = __builtin__



Returns true if self has a property with the given id, false otherwise.

Access contents information

getProperty(id, d=None):

Get the property id, returning the optional second argument or None if no such property is found.

Python only


Returns a tuple of mappings, giving meta-data for properties.

Python only

manage_changeProperties(REQUEST=None, **kw):

Change existing object properties by passing either a mapping object as REQUEST containing name:value pairs or by passing name=value keyword arguments.

Some objects have "special" properties defined by product authors that cannot be changed. If you try to change one of these properties through this method, an error will be raised.

Note that no type checking or conversion happens when this method is called, so it is the caller's responsibility to ensure that the updated values are of the correct type. This should probably change.

If a value is provided for REQUEST (as it will be when called via the web), the method will return an HTML message dialog. If no REQUEST is passed, the method returns None on success.

This method may be called via the web, from DTML or from Python code.

Manage Properties

manage_delProperties(ids=None, REQUEST=None):

Delete one or more properties with the given ids. The ids argument should be a sequence (tuple or list) containing the ids of the properties to be deleted. If ids is empty no action will be taken. If any of the properties named in ids does not exist, an error will be raised.

Some objects have "special" properties defined by product authors that cannot be deleted. If one of these properties is named in ids, an HTML error message is returned.

If no value is passed in for REQUEST, the method will return None. If a value is provided for REQUEST (as it will be when called via the web), the property management form for the object will be rendered and returned.

This method may be called via the web, from DTML or from Python code.

Manage Properties

manage_addProperty(id, value, type, REQUEST=None):

Add a new property with the given id, value and type.

These are the property types:

1 or 0.
A DateTime value, for example 12/31/1999 15:42:52 PST.
A decimal number, for example 12.4.
An integer number, for example, 12.
A list of strings, one per line.
A long integer, for example 12232322322323232323423.
A string of characters, for example This is a string.
A multi-line string, for example a paragraph.
A list of strings separated by white space, for example one two three.
A string selected by a pop-up menu.
multiple selection
A list of strings selected by a selection list.

This method will use the passed in type to try to convert the value argument to the named type. If the given value cannot be converted, a ValueError will be raised.

The value given for selection and multiple selection properites may be an attribute or method name. The attribute or method must return a sequence values.

If the given type is not recognized, the value and type given are simply stored blindly by the object.

If no value is passed in for REQUEST, the method will return None. If a value is provided for REQUEST (as it will when called via the web), the property management form for the object will be rendered and returned.

This method may be called via the web, from DTML or from Python code.

Manage Properties


Returns a mapping containing property meta-data.

Python only


Get the type of property id. Returns None if no such property exists.

Python only


Returns a list of property ids.

Access contents information


Returns a list of actual property values.

Access contents information


Return a list of (id, property) tuples.

Access contents information


Return a namespace string usable as an xml namespace for this property set. This may be an empty string if there is no default namespace for a given property sheet (especially property sheets added in ZClass definitions).

Python only