API Documentation

class Response

The Response object represents the response to a Zope request.

__module__ = __builtin__


redirect(location, lock=0):

Cause a redirection without raising an error. If the "lock" keyword argument is passed with a true value, then the HTTP redirect response code will not be changed even if an error occurs later in request processing (after redirect() has been called).

Always available


Return data as a stream

HTML data may be returned using a stream-oriented interface. This allows the browser to display partial results while computation of a response to proceed.

The published object should first set any output headers or cookies on the response object.

Note that published objects must not generate any errors after beginning stream-oriented output.

Always available

setCookie(name, value, **kw):

Set an HTTP cookie on the browser

The response will include an HTTP header that sets a cookie on cookie-enabled browsers with a key "name" and value "value". This overwrites any previously set value for the cookie in the Response object.

Always available

appendCookie(name, value):

Returns an HTTP header that sets a cookie on cookie-enabled browsers with a key "name" and value "value". If a value for the cookie has previously been set in the response object, the new value is appended to the old one separated by a colon.

Always available

expireCookie(name, **kw):

Cause an HTTP cookie to be removed from the browser

The response will include an HTTP header that will remove the cookie corresponding to "name" on the client, if one exists. This is accomplished by sending a new cookie with an expiration date that has already passed. Note that some clients require a path to be specified - this path must exactly match the path given when creating the cookie. The path can be specified as a keyword argument.

Always available

addHeader(name, value):

Set a new HTTP return header with the given value, while retaining any previously set headers with the same name.

Always available


Set the base URL for the returned document.

Always available

appendHeader(name, value, delimiter=,):

Append a value to a header.

Sets an HTTP return header "name" with value "value", appending it following a comma if there was a previous value set for the header.

Always available

setStatus(status, reason=None):

Sets the HTTP status code of the response; the argument may either be an integer or one of the following strings:

OK, Created, Accepted, NoContent, MovedPermanently, MovedTemporarily, NotModified, BadRequest, Unauthorized, Forbidden, NotFound, InternalError, NotImplemented, BadGateway, ServiceUnavailable

that will be converted to the correct integer value.

Always available

setHeader(name, value):

Sets an HTTP return header "name" with value "value", clearing the previous value set for the header, if one exists. If the literal flag is true, the case of the header name is preserved, otherwise word-capitalization will be performed on the header name on output.

Always available